Friday, December 23, 2016

Have a fantastic winter break.... you have had an amazing 4 months together I can't wait for 2017 to see how you continue to grow as learners.

1.  Get lots of rest,
2.  Eat lots of great food
3.  Enjoy the company of family and friends
4.  Go outside and enjoy the snow and winter season
5.  Read a good book
6.  Practice your multiplication tables, finish your poetry in google classroom, complete everfi
7.  Work on Break out EDU story can't wait to hear your signature story!

We will be sharing your statements on our 'tree of lights' within our class community. This is our way of continuing to build upon changing our mindset and moving forward thru our learning journey this year and beyond. Share a post in padlet!

MATH: Data Management: Looking at ways to organize data in graphs that best represent information.  Share what you think you know about Data Management

WRITING: this week we have the honour of hosting author Angela Misri, leading us through a Mystery Writers Workshop. Students have been assigned writing partners to co-write in-class (students can choose to add ideas/build on story at-home) Google Classroom Mystery Writing
Day 1- analyzing aspects of a mystery story and what makes an effective villain, problem and detective.  Review Mystery Story-three act structure in Google Classroom.  Today's task was to finalize your jot notes in your graphic organizer.
Day 2- finish working on your first draft- Angela will be in on Day 3 to give feedback
Day 3- Angela shared the importance of starting your story with a bang.  Student were given time to develop story and get feedback from author, students and teacher
Day 4- Student continue to work and finalize story in preparation to getting feedback from author for Tomorrow's workshop
Day 5- will be held after the break.....

Digital Fluency: students will be completing in-class a series of online lessons focussing on digital literacy and responsibilities, Everfi Ignition

Thursday, December 22, 2016

We will be sharing your statements on our 'tree of lights' within our class community. This is our way of continuing to build upon changing our mindset and moving forward thru our learning journey this year and beyond. Share a post in padlet!

MATH: Data Management: Looking at ways to organize data in graphs that best represent information.  Share what you think you know about Data Management

WRITING: this week we have the honour of hosting author Angela Misri, leading us through a Mystery Writers Workshop. Students have been assigned writing partners to co-write in-class (students can choose to add ideas/build on story at-home) Google Classroom Mystery Writing
Day 1- analyzing aspects of a mystery story and what makes an effective villain, problem and detective.  Review Mystery Story-three act structure in Google Classroom.  Today's task was to finalize your jot notes in your graphic organizer.
Day 2- finish working on your first draft- Angela will be in on Day 3 to give feedback
Day 3- Angela shared the importance of starting your story with a bang.  Student were given time to develop story and get feedback from author, students and teacher
Day 4- Student continue to work and finalize story in preparation to getting feedback from author for Tomorrow's workshop

Digital Fluency: students will be completing in-class a series of online lessons focussing on digital literacy and responsibilities, Everfi Ignition

Tomorrow is our last day before winter break..... but it doesn't slow down for our classes.  Angela will be in tomorrow to finish the 5 day writers workshop on writing a detective story.

Tomorrow wear your crazy sock, hats or sweater to class to end 2016 with a splash of fun and excitement.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

MATH: Data Management: Looking at ways to organize data in graphs that best represent information.  Share what you think you know about Data Management

learning how calculate and solve problems involving area.
5- U9 L8 #6-10
6- Entrance Pass #1-7 complete past due assignments

WRITING: this week we have the honour of hosting author Angela Misri, leading us through a Mystery Writers Workshop. Students have been assigned writing partners to co-write in-class (students can choose to add ideas/build on story at-home) Google Classroom Mystery Writing
Day 1- analyzing aspects of a mystery story and what makes an effective villain, problem and detective.  Review Mystery Story-three act structure in Google Classroom.  Today's task was to finalize your jot notes in your graphic organizer.
Day 2- finish working on your first draft- Angela will be in on Day 3 to give feedback
Day 3- Angela shared the

Digital Fluency: students will be completing in-class a series of online lessons focussing on digital literacy and responsibilities, Everfi Ignition

Monday, December 19, 2016

WRITING: this week we have the honour of hosting author Angela Misri, leading us through a Mystery Writers Workshop. Students have been assigned writing partners to co-write in-class (students can choose to add ideas/build on story at-home) Google Classroom Mystery Writing
Day 1- analyzing aspects of a mystery story and what makes an effective villain, problem and detective.  Review Mystery Story-three act structure in Google Classroom.  Today's task was to finalize your jot notes in your graphic organizer.

Digital Fluency: students will be completing in-class a series of online lessons focussing on digital literacy and responsibilities, Everfi Ignition

MATH:  learning how calculate and solve problems involving area.
5- U9 L8 #1ab 2 3
6- Entrance Pass #6

Friday, December 16, 2016

PROUD.....that is what I feel as we end another great week of learning together.  Congratulation on creating, and producing a piece that has and will inspire others.  Thank you to all students who brought in clothing for others to use and for those students who helped with clean up. 

WRITING:  Finalize all first draft and move into second draft

BREAKOUT Edu- Review the assignment and start to think about your signature story.

MYSTERY- DECTECTIVE WRITER WORKSHOP- watch the following videos below so that you are prepared for next weeks workshop.

Have a fantastic week..... get ready for another exciting week of learning Angela Misri, published Mystery writer will be taking you on journey on writing your own mystery stories.

Author Angela Misri: One Fictitious Moment Video Series
Next week we have the honour of hosting A.Misri in our class for a writers workshop series. In order to prepare for this awesome opportunity, please take some time to view the following videos she has created to encourage creative writing. If you would like to purchase a signed copy of the book, read the information below:

Thursday, December 15, 2016






Winter Concert- Thursday December 15, meet in room 109
Black Light- so excited to be witness to your inspiration performance tonight
Visual Arts:
Lino blocks sketches (2 abstract, 2 realistic)- Past Due


Wednesday, December 14, 2016

Black Light- come with prepared with your outfits for tomorrow practice in the gym.
Blacklight Performance
Dancers- white shirt, white socks, black pants
Drummer and Cut out- black pants, socks and shirt
Parents please sign agenda

Visual Arts:
Lino blocks sketches (2 abstract, 2 realistic)- Past Due

MATH:  Wrapping up our unit on Geometry: identifying and constructing figures
Measurement Unit launching this week... 
5- Entrance Pass 1a
6- Entrance Pass 5

POETRY:  Finish working on poems with google classroom

Winter Concert- Thursday December 15

Monday, December 12, 2016

Dance:  Practice the dance that your group choreographed this week
Cut Outs - be prepared to paint and start to practice next week
Visual Arts:
Lino blocks sketches (2 abstract, 2 realistic)- Past Due

MATH:  Wrapping up our unit on Geometry: identifying and constructing figures
Measurement Unit launching this week... 
5- U9  L6
6- U9 L5 1ab 2ab

POETRY:  Finish working on poems with google classroom
WORKSHOP PERFORMANCE- Now that we have complete our spoken word poetry workshop it is time to perform a poem that you have edited.  Use the strategies learned in the workshop to develop your performance of your poem. PAST DUE
Blacklight Performance
Dancers- white shirt, white socks, black pants
Drummer and Cut out- black pants, socks and shirt
Parents please sign agenda

Thursday, December 8, 2016

Dance:  Using the lyrics from the song Try Everything and the success criteria for Elements of Dance choreograph one section of the song (you may want to watch the video and listen to the song for inspiration).  Remember to start putting together your outfit needed for our blacklight performance (black pants to start....).  Parents please sign agenda that your child will be attending the winter concert on Thursday December 15 in the evening.
Cut Outs - brainstorm ideas for the last 3 verses 
Visual Arts:
Lino blocks sketches (2 abstract, 2 realistic)- Due Monday

MATH:  Wrapping up our unit on Geometry: identifying and constructing figures
Measurement Unit launching this week... 
5- U9 L8 #1-8
6- Entrance Pass

POETRY:  Finish working on poems with google classroom
WORKSHOP PERFORMANCE- Now that we have complete our spoken word poetry workshop it is time to perform a poem that you have edited.  Use the strategies learned in the workshop to develop your performance of your poem. 
VOICETHREAD:  Watch the spoken word video for inspiration on how to perform a poem that you have written.  You may choose to start commenting and reflecting on the performance the guiding question is posted on the voicethread.
SUMMARY:  Finalize second draft (in class time was provided)

Blacklight Performance
Dancers- white shirt, white socks, black pants
Drummer and Cut out- black pants, socks and shirt
Parents please sign agenda
Students were true ambassadors of McMurrich as they respectfully bowled in their teams. We will be graphing and analyzing the data from their individual frames and team scores in the next few weeks.  A special thanks to our parents who volunteered with us today.  Go McMurrich Go!

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

Dance:  Using the lyrics from the song Try Everything and the success criteria for Elements of Dance choreograph one section of the song (you may want to watch the video and listen to the song for inspiration).  Remember to start putting together your outfit needed for our blacklight performance (black pants to start....).  Parents please sign agenda that your child will be attending the winter concert on Thursday December 15 in the evening.
Cut Outs - brainstorm ideas for the last 3 verses 
Visual Arts:
Lino blocks sketches (2 abstract, 2 realistic)- Due Monday

MATH:  Wrapping up our unit on Geometry: identifying and constructing figures
Measurement Unit launching this week... 
5- U9 L8 #1-4
6- Entrance Pass

POETRY:  Finish working on poems with google classroom
WORKSHOP PERFORMANCE- Now that we have complete our spoken word poetry workshop it is time to perform a poem that you have edited.  Use the strategies learned in the workshop to develop your performance of your poem. 
VOICETHREAD:  Watch the spoken word video for inspiration on how to perform a poem that you have written.  You may choose to start commenting and reflecting on the performance the guiding question is posted on the voicethread.
SUMMARY:  Finalize second draft (in class time was provided)
Blacklight Performance
Dancers- white shirt, white socks, black pants
Drummer and Cut out- black pants, socks and shirt
Parents please sign agenda

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Dance:  Using the lyrics from the song Try Everything and the success criteria for Elements of Dance choreograph one section of the song (you may want to watch the video and listen to the song for inspiration).  Remember to start putting together your outfit needed for our blacklight performance (black pants to start....).  Parents please sign agenda that your child will be attending the winter concert on Thursday December 15 in the evening.
Visual Arts:
Lino blocks sketches (2 abstract, 2 realistic)- Due Monday

MATH:  Wrapping up our unit on Geometry: identifying and constructing figures
Measurement Unit launching this week... 
5- U9 L5 #1-7 Reflect
6- U9 L2 #1 2ab, 3 4  6 7 8

POETRY:  Finish working on poems with google classroom
WORKSHOP PERFORMANCE- Now that we have complete our spoken word poetry workshop it is time to perform a poem that you have edited.  Use the strategies learned in the workshop to develop your performance of your poem. 
VOICETHREAD:  Watch the spoken word video for inspiration on how to perform a poem that you have written.  You may choose to start commenting and reflecting on the performance the guiding question is posted on the voicethread.
SUMMARY:  Finalize second draft (in class time was provided)
Blacklight Performance
Dancers- white shirt, white socks, black pants
Drummer and Cut out- black pants, socks and shirt
Parents please sign agenda

Monday, December 5, 2016

Dance:  Using the lyrics from the song Try Everything and the success criteria for Elements of Dance choreograph one section of the song (you may want to watch the video and listen to the song for inspiration).  Remember to start putting together your outfit needed for our blacklight performance (black pants to start....).  Parents please sign agenda that your child will be attending the winter concert on Thursday December 15 in the evening.
Visual Arts:
Lino blocks sketches (2 abstract, 2 realistic)- Due Monday

MATH:  Wrapping up our unit on Geometry: identifying and constructing figures
Measurement Unit launching this week... 
5- U9 L2 #1 2 6 Reflect
6- Entrance Pass (Pool Question)

POETRY:  Finish working on poems with google classroom
WORKSHOP PERFORMANCE- Now that we have complete our spoken word poetry workshop it is time to perform a poem that you have edited.  Use the strategies learned in the workshop to develop your performance of your poem. 
VOICETHREAD:  Watch the spoken word video for inspiration on how to perform a poem that you have written.  You may choose to start commenting and reflecting on the performance the guiding question is posted on the voicethread.
SUMMARY:  Finalize second draft (in class time was provided)
Blacklight Performance
Dancers- white shirt, white socks, black pants
Drummer and Cut out- black pants, socks and shirt
Parents please sign agenda indicating that your child is available to attend the concert next Thursday December 15, 2016

Thursday, December 1, 2016

As a class we started to compose your class mission statement and you matter statement that will be used to continue to build our class community.  Have a fantastic weekend!

Dance:  Using the lyrics from the song Try Everything and the success criteria for Elements of Dance choreograph one section of the song (you may want to watch the video and listen to the song for inspiration).  Remember to start putting together your outfit needed for our blacklight performance (black pants to start....).  Parents please sign agenda that your child will be attending the winter concert on Thursday December 15 in the evening.
Visual Arts:
Lino blocks sketches (2 abstract, 2 realistic)- Due Monday

MATH:  Wrapping up our unit on Geometry: identifying and constructing figures
Measurement Unit launching this week... 
5- U9 L2 #1 2 6 Reflect
6- Entrance Pass (Pool Question)

POETRY:  Finish working on poems with google classroom
WORKSHOP PERFORMANCE- Now that we have complete our spoken word poetry workshop it is time to perform a poem that you have edited.  Use the strategies learned in the workshop to develop your performance of your poem. 
VOICETHREAD:  Watch the spoken word video for inspiration on how to perform a poem that you have written.  You may choose to start commenting and reflecting on the performance the guiding question is posted on the voicethread.
SUMMARY:  Finalize second draft (in class time was provided)
You Matter! More importantly, before convincing anyone else that they matter, we must first remind ourselves that WE MATTER. Inspired by Angela Maiers. PAST  DUE

We will be sharing your statements on our 'tree of lights' within our class community. This is our way of continuing to build upon changing our mindset and moving forward thru our learning journey this year and beyond. Share a post in padlet!